How do we select the properties for

Vicentiu Vlad

Giu 15, 2022

Image of article How do we select the properties for

The secret of a good investment is to diversify your investments portfolio. And gives you the opportunity to diversify your investments in residential and vacation rental properties.

When we select the investment opportunities for, we run every property through a rigorous list of criteria and filters and select the best ones. In this way we want to offer to our potential investors the most profitable investment opportunities in real estate, just a click away.

A risk profile for every potential property includes: • Liquidity Index of the property - how easy is it to sell this property, should it be necessary or profitable • Vacancy Index - how easy is it to find a tenant • Price Growth Expectation - the estimated price growth of a property of this type in this area.

All target projects we are choosing for our platform are carefully considered, selected and evaluated by our team. If we see problems with their experience and how they approach the business or the real estate project is not a good opportunity for investor’s community, we delay or refuse to list these businesses.

The duration of each funding period is set within the investment opportunity and differs in every case. If the total investment amount is not reached, the investment opportunity will be removed from platform and the funds will be returned to the investors.

If an investor changes his mind and he doesn’t want to invest anymore in one of the properties shared on our platform, he has at disposal a reflection period of four calendar days from the moment of submitting the offer during which the Investor is able to revoke his/her expression of interest to participate in the Fundraising without penalty and with no obligation to provide a justification. The request to revoke the offer should be sent to the email address

Should I invest in a residential or a vacation rental property?

These both types of investment have their own advantages. You can earn money from real estate investments either through regular rental income and real estate property appreciation. Different types of real estate investments have different return expectations, depending on both rental income as well as underlying real estate appreciation.

Real estate prices are hard to predict, but real estate values have a historically high correlation with inflation and wage growth. Generally, the expected rental income paid as dividends per year is about 8-10% for vacation properties and 4-5% for residential properties. The earnings coming from the lease are paid out as dividends to the investors.

Furthermore, you benefit from the increase of the value of the property. Real estate developments have much higher return expectations, but so are the accompanying risks; you can expect a property value appreciation of 20-30% upon delivery.

    Real EstateInvesting

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