is among the most innovative companies in Romania in 2023

Vicentiu Vlad

Gen 01, 2024

Image of article is among the most innovative companies in Romania in 2023

Ziarul Financiar has listed among the top innovative companies in Romania for the year 2023 due to the technological innovation brought by the platform and the revolutionary way in which we provide transparency to real estate investments.

The appreciation and recognition make us proud and eager to expose our concept to everyone interested in investing or diversifying their portfolio, as well as to all developers in need of an alternative source of funding.

According to Ziarul Financiar, " stands out with an innovative real estate crowdlending concept, becoming the first and only authorized platform in Romania that brings developers and investors together. This model provides an opportunity for easier and transparent financing for developers, while simultaneously increasing investors' access to high-quality real estate projects with attractive returns."

We launched our operations in November 2023 through an investment of 200,000 Euros to date, successfully developing and authorizing the first crowdlending platform in Romania. Our main motivation was to bring a significant change to how real estate projects are accessed and invested in Romania.

We created a digital platform with a user-friendly interface and smooth navigation, allowing users to quickly access all detailed information about projects they can invest in and manage their investment portfolio from any device, anytime and anywhere.

Our team consists of experts in real estate, finance, and technology, which is why we place a strong emphasis on the selection of projects in which investors can invest through the platform through the platform.

You can read the complete article here, page 41!


STOCKESTATE CROWDFUNDING SRL è autorizzata con il numero PJR28FSFPR/400002, dal 29.08.2023. Trovateci nel registro dei fornitori di servizi di crowdfunding della Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (CONSOB).


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